Youth Worker


You’ll find Ideas, Bible studies, resources and articles on this helpful website for youth leaders.  This is the website for the US Youth Worker Magazine.

Youth Worker Magazine is produced monthly and has more article content than it’s UK counterpart and far more in the way of cultural engagement.  You can get monthly emails that include all of the articles found in the magazine… however I find I read the printed magazine more than the emailed one!

Really useful to keep in touch with all the major US conferences and music where you can often times download talks and hear new music.


About Author


myYouthLeader is a community of people involved in Christian youth ministry … in churches, schools and the community. Our goal is to connect like-minded people and facilitate the sharing of inspiration, resources and to support each other. We are Australian focused and inter-denominational. We will also offer access to some specialist services such as coaching, training and more.

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