Lightning Charades


acingGroup game

Materials: charade cards or list of words to act out

Get group into teams of anywhere from 3 to 8 players.  When the game starts, teams have to get through as many charade cards as possible in the alloted time (Lightning Charades is a borard game you can buy, or just come up with a bunch of words), for greater team participation, have people rotate through after one person has had their go and pick from a pile of charade cards in the middle.  Teams with the most cards done at the end of the time win, if they pass on any card, one point is deducted.  Do a few rounds and see which teams come out the best!

This game can be done in different ways, either up front or in groups and either with a pile of charade cards, or when they get one right, a different person runs to the main leader for the next word.  We’ve used it as a stand alone game, or as a board game night, making a whole heap of board games into group games.


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myYouthLeader is a community of people involved in Christian youth ministry … in churches, schools and the community. Our goal is to connect like-minded people and facilitate the sharing of inspiration, resources and to support each other. We are Australian focused and inter-denominational. We will also offer access to some specialist services such as coaching, training and more.

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