Ameba Game


Group Game, maximum numbers will depend on the size of the room (can do girls and guys separate).

Materials: Something to hit in the midle, pile of boxes, mattresses or chairs (if you’re careful)

Everyone stands around the pile of boxes (or whatever object you’re using) in the middle holding hands.  When you’re good to start, the aim is to pull and push the whole circle into the boxes, whoever hits them is out and a break in the circle (hands) both people who broke are out.  This game can get a bit rough if there’s a wide age range and leaders need to be careful not to want to dominate smaller kids!  Last person not to touch the box is the winner!



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myYouthLeader is a community of people involved in Christian youth ministry … in churches, schools and the community. Our goal is to connect like-minded people and facilitate the sharing of inspiration, resources and to support each other. We are Australian focused and inter-denominational. We will also offer access to some specialist services such as coaching, training and more.

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