Would You Rather


Group Game

Materials: none

Answer these questions by standing on one side of the room or the other… this is a good ice breaker that could lead into a serious topic

  • Would you rather be a dog named Killer or a cat named Fluffy?
  • Would you rather be able to read everyone’s mind all the time or always know their future?
  • Would you rather be born with an elephant trunk or a giraffe neck?
  • Would you rather be forced to tell your best friend a lie or tell your parents the truth?
  • Would you rather be hairy all over or completely bald?
  • Would you rather be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?
  • Would you rather end hunger or hatred?
  • Would you rather forget who you were or who everyone else was?
  • Would you rather be poor or sick for the rest of your life?
  • Would you rather have one wish granted today or three wishes granted in 10 years?
  • Would you rather invent a cure for cancer or a cure for AIDS?
  • Would you rather not be able to use your phone or the internet?
  • Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
  • Live in poverty for the rest of your life or die rich right now?

About Author


myYouthLeader is a community of people involved in Christian youth ministry … in churches, schools and the community. Our goal is to connect like-minded people and facilitate the sharing of inspiration, resources and to support each other. We are Australian focused and inter-denominational. We will also offer access to some specialist services such as coaching, training and more.

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