Have You Ever?


Group game

Materials: none

Everyone sitting in a circle, on chairs if you have them.  One person remains in the middle and they must make a statement starting with ‘Have you ever…’ saying something that they have done, that they think other people might have done also.  If someone sitting has done the thing said, then they must get up from their seat and move into an empty seat that someone else has vacated.  They must not move within 2 seat places of where they started from and the idea is that the person in the middle will get someone’s seat and a different person will then ask the next ‘Have you ever…’ question.  Can be hard if people don’t have anything planned, so perhaps start with a few leaders first.  There is no real winner or loser in this, more of a getting to know you game.


About Author


myYouthLeader is a community of people involved in Christian youth ministry … in churches, schools and the community. Our goal is to connect like-minded people and facilitate the sharing of inspiration, resources and to support each other. We are Australian focused and inter-denominational. We will also offer access to some specialist services such as coaching, training and more.

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